
ANELISSE: A True Story of Child Abuse

Author : Adriana Bellini

  • Paperback
  • 9780615885063
  • 0615885063
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  • Book
  • Monarch Publishing House
  • Monarch Publishing House
  • Child Abuse
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ANELISSE: A True Story of Child Abuse

ANELISSE: A True Story of Child Abuse

"The first few hits hurt terribly on impact, but after repeated punches, I feel numb and faint as my head is thrown left and right from the force of the blows."
- Anelisse

Author Adriana Bellini chillingly captures the fear and dread of growing up in an abusive home. Through the eyes of Anelisse "Lissy" Adams, the reader lives the daily traumas of a home that isn't safe - a place where violence flares unexpectedly - with tragic consequences for an entire family.

When Lissy's mother marries Ed, a respected member of his community, her life, and the lives of her loved ones change forever. Drunkenness, physical and emotional abuse, skepticism and denial - it's impossible for young Lissy to understand this violent world in which she must now survive with her sister, Maddie, and her brother, David.

Lissy's attempts to escape the daily horrors of an abusive step-father take her deeper into despair, drug abuse, and even attempted suicide. As the world grows more unsafe, Lissy must learn to protect herself from the abuse and disbelief that surround her.

This raw, touching account of childhood abuse will hold you spellbound as a typical family lives in fear of physical cruelty every day. Based on the author's personal experiences, Anelisse: A True Story of Child Abuse will open your eyes and your heart to the pain many children experience within their own homes.

5 stars: Heartbreaking

"This tragic, first-person account of growing up in an abusive household is not easy to read. Anelisse had so much hurt and abuse to live through that it is amazing that she had the strength to survive. I highly recommend this book." Amazon Reviewer

5 stars: Chilling

"Adriana Bellini's Anelisse: A True Story of Child Abuse, is a gripping ride through the eyes of an abused young girl. The author captures the fear, the frustration, the denial with chilling detail...a must-read for all parents, and parents-to-be." Paul Lalley, Gold Medal Winner, NY Film Festival

5 stars: Beautifully done

"It's beautifully done. Bravo to Adriana Bellini for writing such a brave story." Amazon Reviewer

WARNING: Contains Graphic violence and strong language

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