
Pharmacotherapy of Depression

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  • Hardcover
  • 9781603274340
  • 1603274340
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  • 1
  • 423
  • Book
  • Humana Press
  • Humana Press
  • Overdose Mental Health
  • Only $67.99

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Pharmacotherapy of Depression

Comprehensive and state of the art, the second edition of Pharmacotherapy of Depression offers major revisions of every chapter and the addition of new chapters by expert contributors. The first chapter reviews the neurobiology of depression, which lays the groundwork for understanding the mechanisms of action of antidepressants. In the next chapter, a review of the general principles guiding the diagnosis and medication treatment of unipolar depression is provided. The clinical pharmacology of antidepressants is reviewed in some detail, supplemented by tables that provide information on dosing, indications, and metabolism. Augmentation strategies are reviewed, including the use of non-traditional agents. The chapters that follow next address the use of antidepressants in special populations, such as the elderly and depressed individuals with psychosis, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, and post traumatic stress disorder. The complex issues involving the diagnosis and treatment of depression during pregnancy is thoroughly reviewed in Chapter 8 and provides a synthesis of the scientific literature in the area, one that is noted for contradictory and controversial findings, as well as guidelines for prescribing. The next chapter then provides an overview of the treatment of depression in the pediatric population, highlighting clinical concerns such as suicide risk. The book concludes with two chapters at the interface of medicine and psychiatry in the treatment of mood disorders: managing depression in primary care settings and depression associated with medical illnesses. The outstanding clinician-scientists who have contributed to this volume are all leaders in their fields and represent a broad spectrum of renowned institutions. A timely contribution to the literature, The Pharmacotherapy of Depression, Second Edition, offers busy clinicians from many disciplines a strong scientific foundation that seamlessly transitions into practical recommendations for clinical practice. The result is another gold-standard guide to the safe and effective use of the latest antidepressant medications.

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