
Crack overdose

Category: Overdose

Date: 26 Aug 2015

Created By : yograj1

Crack is made of cocaine hydrochloride that has been processed with ammonia or baking soda and water into a form called “freebase”. The mixture is cooled and filtered, and then the “chips, chunks or “rocks” are smoked in a crack pipe. Smoking crack is a dangerous route of administration by itself, simply because of the way the drug enters the system. When smoked, the drug enters the bloodstream quickly and then crosses the blood-brain barrier to affect neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. chest pain with convulsions can occur during crack inhalation. Additionally, unintentional overdoses of crack can be common, and are almost always caused by the urge for a stronger “high”. Another common mistakes is poly-drug abuse, which increases the effects of both drugs to dangerous levels. Additionally, the quality of cocaine present in processed crack can vary a lot, and it’s usually difficult to verify the purity of crack bought on the street. Depending on the demographic region, street purity of crack varies from 20% to 80%. However, the more hands that touch the drug, the smaller percentage of purity you get. So, for example, some people might smoke a larger amount of diluted crack, without being aware that in the next dose, a purer sample of crack can cause overdose. Crack overdose – How much is too much? In general, crack overdose depends on a person’s tolerance to cocaine. Chronic use of cocaine, high levels of tolerance, or addiction, can increase your tolerance to crack. And while it takes a different dose of crack to cause overdose in any individual person, anything higher than 5 grams has been proven to cause heart attacks. Crack overdose complications One of the myths related to crack is that is less harmful than powder cocaine, because it has a shorter half-life. The idea that crack cannot cause severe damage or overdose effects is false. In fact, the amount of time crack stays in the body has nothing to do with the level harm that crack can do. Furthermore, crack is highly addictive. The most common signs and symptoms of crack overdose include: Trusted Helpline Help Available 24/7 1-888-980-7584 PRIVACY GUARANTEED agitation cold sweats coma confusion coughing that produces black mucus excessive tremors fainting fever hallucinations insomnia itching narrowed pupils problems breathing seizures severe headache shallow breathing slowing heart rate stopping pulse violent behavior vomiting Crack overdose prognosis Prolonged use of crack causes adverse effects on the body and brain. Chronic intoxication and overdose with crack can lead to anorexia, causing weight loss, physical exhaustion, behavioral problems and chronic depression. Furthermore, immunoallergic lung disease can require additional treatment in a medical facility and may develop into a chronic condition. Crack overdose can also cause the development of hemoptysis, pleuritic chest pain, pulmonary infiltrates, asthma, and reactive airway disease. Not to mention the high risk of overdose during pregnancy, which will cause vaginal bleeding, miscarriage and fetus dependent on cocaine.

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