
Anger Is My Friend: Rethinking teen anger management

Author : Sam Ross

  • Paperback
  • 9781491041086
  • 1491041080
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  • Book
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Mental Health Behavioral Health Child Abuse
  • Only $23.95

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Anger Is My Friend: Rethinking teen anger management


No two young people are the same; their anger is not the same either. There can be no one-size-fits-all anger management solution.

With her experiences of working with the most challenging, disengaged young people, Sam Ross has learned that any approach that loses the person and tries to treat the anger will always ultimately fail. Instead, it is all about relationship, about communication, about exchange and understanding the individual ways that anger is a friend to many teens.

Writing in the voice of a teen, she provides insight into many of the thought processes that can motivate young people to use anger as a survival tool.; the tool that they often view as their closest friend, their ‘certainty amidst uncertainty’.

Writing in her own voice, she provides practical advice and suggestions for those working with young people. Providing numerous strategies to help them to engage with young people on this issue and to help them better understand their individual anger and the role it plays in their life, she helps workers tailor anger management interventions for the teen in front of them, with the building of relationship at its heart.

With free downloadable resources and further reading on the accompanying webpage, you will be on the fast track to working better and smarter with your teens. You will see more of them getting to grips with their anger and becoming the happy, motivated, ‘the world is my oyster’ teens that they deserve to be.

The buzz on Sam Ross and her writing on challenging teens:

“After 26 years in education, I finally see articles written by a person who actually GETS IT! Tremendous insight into the thought processes of teenagers. This is how they think in life, at school, and work. More people need to read your articles!”

“These pieces are so good to get us out of the red tape onto the reality of youth work”

“I just used your teen voice piece in a staff training session and it went down a storm. You really help make the issues teens face so real and tangible…you got us all thinking and discussing, even those of us who are old-hands”

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