looking for advice for helping self harmers
Category: Suicide Awareness
Date: 10 May 2017
Created By : Sisyphus
So I have a friend who is suicidal and self harms themselves. I'm not sure how to help them but I know I am the only who can. Its worth noting she is going to therapy but she doesn't want help from them and she doesn't trust her parents anymore and I've heard taking away there tools can be very risky. They have been doing it less since I have gotten closer to them but I'm still afraid they will do it again. What annoys me is I have tried to research self harm in teens: the psychological reason why they do it and how to stop it. I'm annoyed because there is very little information and awareness on how to help them other than suicide hotline numbers. This irritates me because the people I know don't want to die when they do it they want too feel something. Still no articles of help on it. What I did find is the science which is shockingly hard to find is interesting and pretty simple: When you self harm it not only gives you a sense of control over yourself but it also releases large amounts of dopamine and endorphins in the brain making it similar to an addictive substance. So I ask if anyone has any advice on how I can help my friend it would be much appreciated.